[tek_sectiontitle st_title=”General Questions” st_title_tag=”h3″ st_subtitle=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore aliqua.” st_subtitle_position=”subtitle-below-title” st_title_font_weight=”” st_subtitle_size=”16px” st_separator_enable=”separator_off” st_text_align=”text-left” st_width=”st_fullwidth” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”200″]

1. If I need to use Sway on a second site ?

Yes. One purchase of Sway allows you to use the theme on one finished site. If you need to use it on a second site, it requires you to make a second license purchase.

2. Can I use Sway on a test site ?

Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished. Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished.

3. Can I keep a test site and a live site with one license ?

According to the licensing rules set by Envato, this is not allowed. If it is installed in two places permanently, then it requires two licenses.

4. Do I need to buy a new license for a subdomain ?

If you are going to use the item on one domain or multiple subdomains, you only require one Regular Licence. However, if you are going to use the item on multiple domains, then you will need to purchase a Regular Licence for each domain.

[tek_sectiontitle st_title=”Regular & Extended Licenses” st_title_tag=”h3″ st_subtitle=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore aliqua.” st_subtitle_position=”subtitle-below-title” st_title_font_weight=”” st_subtitle_size=”16px” st_separator_enable=”separator_off” st_text_align=”text-left” st_width=”st_fullwidth” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”200″]

1. What does royalty free mean?

Yes. One purchase of Sway allows you to use the theme on one finished site. If you need to use it on a second site, it requires you to make a second license purchase.

2. What does non-exclusive mean ?

Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished. Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished.

3. What do you mean by item and end product ?

According to the licensing rules set by Envato, this is not allowed. If it is installed in two places permanently, then it requires two licenses.

4. What is a single application ?

If you are going to use the item on one domain or multiple subdomains, you only require one Regular Licence. However, if you are going to use the item on multiple domains, then you will need to purchase a Regular Licence for each domain.

[tek_sectiontitle st_title=”Advanced questions” st_title_tag=”h3″ st_subtitle=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore aliqua.” st_subtitle_position=”subtitle-below-title” st_title_font_weight=”” st_subtitle_size=”16px” st_separator_enable=”separator_off” st_text_align=”text-left” st_width=”st_fullwidth” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”200″]

1. If I need to use Sway on a second site ?

Yes. One purchase of Sway allows you to use the theme on one finished site. If you need to use it on a second site, it requires you to make a second license purchase.

2. Can I use Sway on a test site ?

Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished. Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished.

3. Can I keep a test site and a live site with one license ?

According to the licensing rules set by Envato, this is not allowed. If it is installed in two places permanently, then it requires two licenses.

4. Do I need to buy a new license for a subdomain ?

If you are going to use the item on one domain or multiple subdomains, you only require one Regular Licence. However, if you are going to use the item on multiple domains, then you will need to purchase a Regular Licence for each domain.

[tek_sectiontitle st_title=”Permitted multi-use” st_title_tag=”h3″ st_subtitle=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore aliqua.” st_subtitle_position=”subtitle-below-title” st_title_font_weight=”” st_subtitle_size=”16px” st_separator_enable=”separator_off” st_text_align=”text-left” st_width=”st_fullwidth” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”200″]

1. What does royalty free mean?

Yes. One purchase of Sway allows you to use the theme on one finished site. If you need to use it on a second site, it requires you to make a second license purchase.

2. What does non-exclusive mean ?

Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished. Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished.

3. What do you mean by item and end product ?

According to the licensing rules set by Envato, this is not allowed. If it is installed in two places permanently, then it requires two licenses.

4. What is a single application ?

If you are going to use the item on one domain or multiple subdomains, you only require one Regular Licence. However, if you are going to use the item on multiple domains, then you will need to purchase a Regular Licence for each domain.

[tek_contentbox cb_title=”Help & Support” cb_content_text=”Solve any issue with the help of our experts.” icon_type=”icon_browser” icon_size=”40px” cb_content_alignment=”content-center” cb_custom_link=”simple-link” cb_link_text=”Get Support” cb_box_link=”https://keydesign.ticksy.com/” cb_link_target=”_blank” background_type=”none” cb_box_shadow=”” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”200″ cb_subtitle=”” cb_subtitle_color=”” cb_hover_color=”” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Support iconsmind-User-Interface”]
[tek_contentbox cb_title=”Documentation” cb_content_text=”Helpful information about setup, features, and options.” icon_type=”icon_browser” icon_size=”40px” cb_content_alignment=”content-center” cb_custom_link=”simple-link” cb_link_text=”Read Documentation” cb_box_link=”https://www.swaytheme.com/documentation/” cb_link_target=”_blank” background_type=”none” cb_box_shadow=”” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”400″ cb_subtitle=”” cb_subtitle_color=”” cb_hover_color=”” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Open-Book iconsmind-Education”]
[tek_contentbox cb_title=”Video Tutorials” cb_content_text=”Learn how to use the theme with video tutorials.” icon_type=”icon_browser” icon_size=”40px” cb_content_alignment=”content-center” cb_custom_link=”simple-link” cb_link_text=”Watch Tutorials” cb_box_link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxFGIftx2ns&list=PLKM37Brx2eGA7BtA3O6R3HJOBXt9S3S50″ cb_link_target=”_blank” background_type=”none” cb_box_shadow=”” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”600″ cb_subtitle=”” cb_subtitle_color=”” cb_hover_color=”” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-Video-5 iconsmind-Video-Class”]
[tek_contentbox cb_title=”Users Community” cb_content_text=”Be part of our community and find out more.” icon_type=”icon_browser” icon_size=”40px” cb_content_alignment=”content-center” cb_custom_link=”simple-link” cb_link_text=”Join Community” cb_box_link=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/354058971888447/” cb_link_target=”_blank” background_type=”none” cb_box_shadow=”” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”800″ cb_subtitle=”” cb_subtitle_color=”” cb_hover_color=”” icon_iconsmind=”iconsmind-MaleFemale iconsmind-People”]
[tek_textrotator tr_static_heading=”Have a new project in mind?” tr_text_fields=”%5B%7B%22tr_text_item%22%3A%22Start%20today%22%7D%2C%7B%22tr_text_item%22%3A%22Join%20us%22%7D%2C%7B%22tr_text_item%22%3A%22Let’s%20talk%22%7D%5D” tr_text_animation=”slide” tr_text_tag=”h2″ tr_text_align=”text-center” tr_speed=”3000″][tek_sectiontitle st_title_tag=”” st_subtitle=”We are a digital agency that translates your business into a global, oriented strategy.
Schedule an appointment with us to discuss your goals and needs.” st_subtitle_position=”subtitle-below-title” st_title_font_weight=”” st_separator_enable=”separator_off” st_text_align=”text-center” st_width=”st_fullwidth” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”200″ st_subtitle_decoration=”” css=”.vc_custom_1627978479300{margin-bottom: 50px !important;}”][tek_button button_text=”Contact Us” button_style=”tt_primary_button” button_color_scheme=”btn_primary_color” button_hover_state=”” button_icon_bool=”no” button_action=”button-action-link” button_link=”url:%23|||” button_position=”button-center” css_animation=”kd-animated zoomIn” elem_animation_delay=”200″ button_extra_class=”add-margin-right”]
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